Cross Border

Life Care Planning


Turning Point Certified Life Care Planners are credentialed and legally authorized to work in both Canada and the United States. Life Care Planners, whether they practice in Canada or the United States, are credentialed through US based education and certification process.  They have at least three years of rehabilitation experience, completed more than the 120 educational hours specific to life care planning, passed a ICHCC board exam, and received ICHCC board approval of a submitted life care plan.  In addition, our life care planners meet bi-monthly to stay current with changes in the industry.  Each life care plan authored by a Certified Life Care Planner at Turning Point is peer-reviewed to ensure adherence to the standard methodology in Life Care Planning.


Turning Point Certified Life Care Planners have life-long experience working within the Canadian, United States and United Kingdom healthcare systems enabling them to provide litigation support regarding cross-border matters.  When an individual is injured outside of their country of residence, it is important to hire experts who are legally authorized to work in and knowledgeable of both medical systems.  Our Life Care Planners have a long history of working on cross border personal injury cases involving clients based across Canada and the United States as well as Asia, Australia and Europe.  Our life care planning methodology is the same resulting in geographically specific and reasonable costs within a specific medical system, using industry acceptable pricing tools.  For example, a B.C. resident injured in a car crash in Seattle will have their court case set in WA State, which allows submission of the costs of future medical services and procedures typically funded by the B.C. Medical Services Plan (MSP).  We have the expertise to provide the reasonable costs of future care that include both MSP and non-MSP costs in a well-organized cost of future care/life care plan.  Or, if an individual is injured while visiting Canada, their court case will remain in Canada and their future care costs will need to be determined in their local community and country of residence.  For those injured in Canada and residing in far away and/or rural places such as China, these cross-border plans can be conducted virtually while the individual is in their home to save extensive travel fees and expenses.


The Turning Point Rehab is located in North Vancouver, B.C.  The North Vancouver office makes accessing Washington State (WA) and Oregon (OR) a breeze whether on a commuter flight or by car.  With today's virtual climate, our cross-border Certified Life Care Planners are able to conduct virtual home assessments via MS Teams for client living afar like Colorado, Illinois or even Hawaii!  Yes, we have clients in Hawaii!


Do you have a case that needs a cross-border expert?  Please contact us to discuss your case and if a Certified Life Care Planner is not who you need,  we will help direct you as we are well-connected in many communities.

