Stay connected and engaged during Covid

How to stay connected and engaged during the Covid-19 Pandemic

As measures to restrict movement and limit contact have been implemented, adapting to change can provide new opportunities to stay connected and occupied. Keeping socially connected and engaged in meaningful activity has positive impacts on physical, mental and emotional health.

Benefits of Social Connection                                                                           

Social connection can improve overall health and wellbeing by:             

  • Boosting the immune system                                       
  • Helping with digestion
  • Improving sleep patterns
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Fostering feelings of well-being
  • Improving mental health
  • Reducing feelings of loneliness
  • Enhancing mood and reducing stress

Benefits of Meaningful Activities

Engaging in meaningful activities can improve overall health by:                     

  • Keeping memory sharp
  • Assisting with attention and concentration
  • Fostering feelings of achievement and joy
  • Helping with relaxation
  • Stimulating and improving brain function
  • Improving strength and coordination
  • Providing a sense of routine 
  • Enhancing quality of life
Stay Connected


Call or FaceTime a friend or family member                             

Send a letter or join a pen pal program                                 

Spend time outdoors or visit a local dog park                         

Explore word puzzles such as Sudoku or crosswords          

Play an instrument or listen to music                                    

Join an online exercise or mediation class                               

Collect foliage and create a wreath                                          

Try a water-based sport such as paddle boarding or kayaking (Summer Months)

Read a magazine        

Attend a webinar

Go for a walk 

Plant a garden           

Cook a new recipe or bake

Marvel at nature or bird watch

Listen to a podcast or audiobook

Paint a picture
